Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Walk For Warmth 11/23/2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Day of Giving 11/26/2014
Eastern Connecticut State University held it's eighth annual Day of Giving at Hurley Hall dinner. Hurley was filled with hungry people, and volunteers to help with the dinner before the day of Thanks Giving. Transportation was provided by the Center of Community Engagement (CCE).
"This is our eighth Day of Giving. It is a community meal that is a great collaboration between many partners at Eastern," Kimberly Silcox, Director of the Center of Community Engagement
Student volunteers who were traveling far from the holiday were asked to opt out of volunteering this year, so they wont have to drive home in the snow, though students who live locally were welcomed to stay. "This year is a little different because of the weather. We had to move it up and we sent all of the students home last night so they won't have to drive in bad weather," Silcox said. Usually 50-60 students and 300 to 400 community members come to participate each year. Despite the weather, the people who helped stayed strong.
"I think it's a really great cause and I see a lot of people from the community who get to come out here and enjoy it together" Kaitlyn Murphy, Eastern Student
Student musicians play live music each year. This year was student duo, Max Robinson and Eva Alfonso.
There were also fresh pairs of socks available for anybody who wanted them, from Chartwell's Safety Shoe Program.
"We put all of the socks together and we're giving them away to people who want fresh, warm socks," Jason Coombs, Director of Chartwells Dinning Services
Community members who sat down for their Thanksgiving meal said they had a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. "This is my first time," said Leonard Maxwell as he sat with a group of friends. Maxwell said he was thankful for "all of us being together." Andy Eggen said he was thankful for his mom, dad and "living good," while April Waite, who was with her two children as well as a friend, said she was thankful for her family and job. Waite's daughter, Symarie Edwards, said she was thankful for her family and her home.
"This is our eighth Day of Giving. It is a community meal that is a great collaboration between many partners at Eastern," Kimberly Silcox, Director of the Center of Community Engagement
Student volunteers who were traveling far from the holiday were asked to opt out of volunteering this year, so they wont have to drive home in the snow, though students who live locally were welcomed to stay. "This year is a little different because of the weather. We had to move it up and we sent all of the students home last night so they won't have to drive in bad weather," Silcox said. Usually 50-60 students and 300 to 400 community members come to participate each year. Despite the weather, the people who helped stayed strong.
"I think it's a really great cause and I see a lot of people from the community who get to come out here and enjoy it together" Kaitlyn Murphy, Eastern Student
Student musicians play live music each year. This year was student duo, Max Robinson and Eva Alfonso.
There were also fresh pairs of socks available for anybody who wanted them, from Chartwell's Safety Shoe Program.
"We put all of the socks together and we're giving them away to people who want fresh, warm socks," Jason Coombs, Director of Chartwells Dinning Services
Community members who sat down for their Thanksgiving meal said they had a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. "This is my first time," said Leonard Maxwell as he sat with a group of friends. Maxwell said he was thankful for "all of us being together." Andy Eggen said he was thankful for his mom, dad and "living good," while April Waite, who was with her two children as well as a friend, said she was thankful for her family and job. Waite's daughter, Symarie Edwards, said she was thankful for her family and her home.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week
From November 16-22nd is National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week.
To kick off the event, there will be a documentary shown called, "Storied Streets"; A intimate look into personal stories of Homelessness in America. The showing will be on Sunday 11/16, 7:30 PM, at the Student Center Theater.
On Tuesday and Wednesday (11/18-19), Habitat for Humanity will be hosting a Shack-a-thon, a demonstration on what homelessness feels like. Students can participate by building their own shelters to raise poverty awareness.
Wednesday, 11/19, Rochelle Ripley from Hawking, Inc. will be discussing what life is like on Indian Country today by The Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, 6:00 pm at the Student Center Theatre.
Thursday 11/20 is "Make the Movement! Zumba Class". Admission is donating travel size toiletries or new pair(s) of socks to benefit No Freeze Hospitality Center. The Zumba class is at 7:00 PM at the Sports Center Dance Studio.
From Wednesday and Friday 11/19-21 is "Fill the Van! Food Drive" Help is fill an entire Eastern van with food! The van will be at the Student Center Patio each day from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM.
To kick off the event, there will be a documentary shown called, "Storied Streets"; A intimate look into personal stories of Homelessness in America. The showing will be on Sunday 11/16, 7:30 PM, at the Student Center Theater.
On Tuesday and Wednesday (11/18-19), Habitat for Humanity will be hosting a Shack-a-thon, a demonstration on what homelessness feels like. Students can participate by building their own shelters to raise poverty awareness.
Wednesday, 11/19, Rochelle Ripley from Hawking, Inc. will be discussing what life is like on Indian Country today by The Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, 6:00 pm at the Student Center Theatre.
Thursday 11/20 is "Make the Movement! Zumba Class". Admission is donating travel size toiletries or new pair(s) of socks to benefit No Freeze Hospitality Center. The Zumba class is at 7:00 PM at the Sports Center Dance Studio.
From Wednesday and Friday 11/19-21 is "Fill the Van! Food Drive" Help is fill an entire Eastern van with food! The van will be at the Student Center Patio each day from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Public Service Panel Tells Students How They Can Give Back After College by Michael Rouleau
Left to right: Kimberly Sanchez ’09 (Public Allies), Max Goto ’13 (AmeriCorps VISTA), Allyson Iannicelli (Teach for America), Chris Brechlin ’09 (AmeriCorps VISTA), Michael Rouleau ’11 (AmeriCorps NCCC), Olivia Grajeda ’78 (Peace Corps) and Kathryn Fidler (Peace Corps).
Willimantic, Conn. – On Oct. 30, a panel of speakers from various national and international service programs spoke with Eastern Connecticut State University students in the President’s Dining Room. The lunchtime event was organized by the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) and featured Eastern alumni and current and former participants of Public Allies, Peace Corps, AmeriCorps VISTA, Teach for America and AmeriCorps NCCC. Each of the programs vary in project/service type, qualification and commitment, but all focus on positively impacting the communities in which they serve.
Eastern alumna Kimberly Sanchez ’09, a representative of Public Allies, spoke of how the program engages students and young leaders in work with nonprofit organizations. During her two terms with Public Allies, Sanchez has worked with Connecticut College to develop innovative teaching and learning techniques that foster active citizenship in greater New London communities.
The Peace Corps, a two-year service program that places volunteers in developing countries throughout the world, was represented by Kathryn Fidler and Eastern alumna Olivia Grajeda ’78. From 2002–04, Fidler served as a youth development volunteer in the Philippines and as a nonprofit program director in South Korea. Grajeda spent two years serving in a hospital as a community health organizer in Albania.
Teach for America, a program that assigns participants to education-focused projects within underperforming school districts, was represented by Allyson Iannicelli. During her term, she served in Tulsa, OK, as an early childhood educator from 2012–14.
AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps), a hands-on, team-based service program that assigns teams to different projects within a designated area, was represented by Eastern alumnus Michael Rouleau ’11. During his term, Rouleau performed trail work and forest fire mitigation in Arizona; IRS certified tax preparation in Denver, CO; prototype disaster relief shelter construction in Austin, TX; and watershed restoration in southwest Colorado.
While making money is not a primary draw for these programs, many do offer modest salaries or living allowances, as well as assistance with student loans and other financial perks. Their primary draw is the opportunity to give back to communities while enabling participants to travel, grow, develop professional networks and work in a number of job and service areas.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Relay for Life 10/18-19/2014
The Windham Community participated in a rally for cancer awareness called "Relay for Life". "Relay for Life" is an annual event the American Cancer Society holds through out the United States. The event is about cancer survivors and volunteers rallying for cancer awareness, and that cancer is a treatable and preventable disease.
The Center of Community Engagement had over fifty students from Eastern Connecticut State University to volunteer, and participate in the rally.
The event took place on the baseball field at the Mansfield Sports Complex. The Willimantic Community raised $4,639, while the whole Windham Community raised $65,764.69.
Ellen Gillette, who works at Eastern's IT Department, was a cancer survivor. Gillette has never done a relay before, but her son and daughter had. Eight and a half years ago, Gillette was diagnosed with lymphoma. When she was diagnosed, she had kimo and surgery, which got rid of her cancer, and her lymphoma has not returned ever since. Gillette is still feeling strong and healthy today. She joined Relay for Life with the staff from ECSU as survivors. She planned to be more involved to fight cancer.
"It takes a village to fight cancer" - Ellen Gillette
The Center of Community Engagement had over fifty students from Eastern Connecticut State University to volunteer, and participate in the rally.
Ellen Gillette, who works at Eastern's IT Department, was a cancer survivor. Gillette has never done a relay before, but her son and daughter had. Eight and a half years ago, Gillette was diagnosed with lymphoma. When she was diagnosed, she had kimo and surgery, which got rid of her cancer, and her lymphoma has not returned ever since. Gillette is still feeling strong and healthy today. She joined Relay for Life with the staff from ECSU as survivors. She planned to be more involved to fight cancer.
"It takes a village to fight cancer" - Ellen Gillette
Thursday, October 16, 2014
CLiCK October 4 2014
Connecticut Congressman, Joe Courtney, was there to help promote CLiCK because he fought for the kitchen, and the agriculture industry. Courtney said that CLiCK was rewarded by the federal government $98,000 for its success in agriculture. "It was a difficult project, but people got together." said Courtney.
State Representative Susan Johnson was also there. She said that agriculture is very important, because if it is not supported, then there will be three days of fresh food left if disasters such as hurricanes cut off transportation.
The mayor of Willimantic, Ernie Eldridge, was at CLiCK, as an auctioneer for the art show. His friend, Kenny Morgan, had his art displayed at the show. Morgan was know for his art based on his youth in the circus. His son, Adam Morgan (who was helping with the wine), said that he had a stroke, and now does his art on the computer.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
National Public Lands Day 9/27/2014
The volunteers worked on a broken bridge in the Narragansett Trail. The Narragansett Trail is part of
the Blue Blaze Trail System that runs through Camp Yawgoog. The Blue Blaze Trail is maintained by the CFPA. The volunteers took out the fifteen in a half bridge, and carried eight foot pieces of lumber three quarters of a mile to the bridge site. The bridge site had to be cleared, and the wood had to be measured.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Poverty Awareness Marathon 9/19/2014
Individuals participated by:
Donating nonperishable food. A food drive will be held, with a goal
of 462 items, to support the local Covenant Soup Kitchen and Food
Pantry. This number represents the 46.2 million people in the U.S. whose
income falls below the poverty level.
Volunteering to read to children. Participants and campus community
members will be invited to volunteer and read to children at the Child
and Family Development Resource Center (CFDRC) on campus. This will be
to represent the 16.1 million children experiencing poverty in the U.S.
• Donating a children’s book. Children’s books will be collected, to
be donated to local children’s programs.
• Making a cash donation. All proceeds will go to the Covenant Soup Kitchen.

667 miles were completed, 561 cans of food were donated, and $200 were raised.
"The Swim Team runs in the marathon every year. It is a good caused to raise awareness because no one is aware of the poverty line. Even students who go to Eastern are in poverty." -Abby Arisco, Senior of ECSU, and Swim Team Member
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Student Activities & Community Service Fair 9/8/2014
On Monday, September 8th, The Center of Community Engagement was part of the Student Activities & Community Service Fair. The Fair, was to promote clubs across the campus, in order to gain new members. Four-hundred and three students signed up at the CCE table.
"It was nice to see people joining CCE. and getting involved in the community."
- Lily Egan
There was another table that was with the CCE. Program coordinator, Alyson Iannicelli, started a new program in the CCE called, Jumpstart. Jumpstart is an Americorps program serving low-income preschools working on language, and literacy development. Jumpstart had over ninety students signed up at the Student Activities Fair.
"With Jumpstart as a new program, I was excited to see all of the students interested in joining the community, but also impressed about how they are commited in finding a service program."
- Alyson Iannicelli
- Lily Egan
There was another table that was with the CCE. Program coordinator, Alyson Iannicelli, started a new program in the CCE called, Jumpstart. Jumpstart is an Americorps program serving low-income preschools working on language, and literacy development. Jumpstart had over ninety students signed up at the Student Activities Fair.
"With Jumpstart as a new program, I was excited to see all of the students interested in joining the community, but also impressed about how they are commited in finding a service program."
- Alyson Iannicelli
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Warrior Welcome Day of Service
On August 27, 2014, Student Leaders from the Center of Community Engagement, Student Orientation Counsel (SOC), and freshmen participated in the Warrior Welcome Day of Service. The goal for this program is to get new students involve in the community as early as possible to give appreciation and understanding of the relationship between the university and the town of Willimantic. During orientation, students filled out interest cards and many of them checked community service.
The first event of the day, was cleaning up Eastern Connecticut's Railroad Museum, led by student leader, Lily Egan. Two freshman and one SOC member attended the event. At first, the freshmen did not know what was going on. They helped clean up the Railroad Museum, and had a great time.

"Its not about how many showed up, it is about the dedication that two people showed up and the fact that they became friends in the process" -Lily Egan
The next event was the Covenant Soup Kitchen, lead by student leaders, Jalpa Patel, and Melanie Morales. Eight freshmen and a SOC members volunteered. "Some volunteered at soup kitchens before, and others wanted to get to know the community" Patel said. "The volunteers enjoyed it, and want to do it again at some point".
At the end of the afternoon, Student Leader, Valerie Lewis, lead WAIM (Windham Area Interfaith Ministry). Nine freshmen and one SOC volunteered. At WAIM, people can donate clothes, and the community can buy. WAIM is ran by volunteers and has four staff members. The freshmen enjoyed it, and it opened their eyes about different social classes of Windham. The coordinator, Evelyn Solla, told about the history of the town, and how it has gone down economically.
On the day of the event, 97 freshmen volunteered, and served a total of 137 hours. The event was successful, with the volunteers having fun, and would like to help out the Willimantic Community in the future.
The first event of the day, was cleaning up Eastern Connecticut's Railroad Museum, led by student leader, Lily Egan. Two freshman and one SOC member attended the event. At first, the freshmen did not know what was going on. They helped clean up the Railroad Museum, and had a great time.

"Its not about how many showed up, it is about the dedication that two people showed up and the fact that they became friends in the process" -Lily Egan
The next event was the Covenant Soup Kitchen, lead by student leaders, Jalpa Patel, and Melanie Morales. Eight freshmen and a SOC members volunteered. "Some volunteered at soup kitchens before, and others wanted to get to know the community" Patel said. "The volunteers enjoyed it, and want to do it again at some point".
At the end of the afternoon, Student Leader, Valerie Lewis, lead WAIM (Windham Area Interfaith Ministry). Nine freshmen and one SOC volunteered. At WAIM, people can donate clothes, and the community can buy. WAIM is ran by volunteers and has four staff members. The freshmen enjoyed it, and it opened their eyes about different social classes of Windham. The coordinator, Evelyn Solla, told about the history of the town, and how it has gone down economically.
On the day of the event, 97 freshmen volunteered, and served a total of 137 hours. The event was successful, with the volunteers having fun, and would like to help out the Willimantic Community in the future.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
AmeriCorps Mayor’s Day of Recognition for National Service
On April 1, 2014 Mayors in Connecticut, along with other mayors around the United States came together to recognize the impact that National Service Programs have had on their communities. Every year more than 5 million diverse individuals come together to help meet the needs of local communities by participating in various service opportunities through the Coporation for National and Community Service's programs. These programs consist of AmeriCorps and Senior Corps which work to serve six crucial project areas within communities; disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families.
Local Mayor of Windham Ernie Eldridge kicked off the Mayor's Day gardening service project at Natchaug Elementary School with the reading of an official town proclamation. This event was sponsored by GROW Windham and united participants from Eastern Connecticut State University, The Windham Area Hour Exchange, Eastern Area Health Education Center, Windham Public Schools and several other organizations in town with service corps members. Participation was also open to the public free of charge. Mayors around Connecticut from Bridgeport to Windham participated in this day of recognition to thank those who have brightened their communities and to encourage others to join and do the same.
On a more national scale, this years Mayor's Day turned out to be a major success. Participation from more than 1,760 mayors in all 50 states, District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico came together and represented 1/3 of all Americans. The success of the second annual Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Service more than doubled from the previous years Mayors volunteer list. You can view the full list of the 2014 Mayor's Day participants here.
“We are thrilled by the extraordinary turnout of mayors from across the country for this bipartisan nationwide recognition of the impact of national service. It is a testament to the dedication and effectiveness of all those who serve in AmeriCorps and Senior Corps that mayors representing more than one-third of Americans are joining in this effort. I commend Mayor Coleman, Mayor Smith, and other mayors across the country for participating in this recognition effort and for working with us to improve lives and strengthen communities through national service."
- Wendy Spencer, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Alternative Spring Break: Generous Gardens Project

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Nicole: Better Than a Sister at Saving Money

Brooks learned about the VITA program through Maura Cook, who spoke about it during a visit to an Accounting Society meeting. Brooks had already intended to volunteer for the program, during an email exchange with Cook, she learned about training dates for IRS certification and other details of the program. She also found out that she could also serve as an intern with VITA. She sent in her resume, and Cook immediately accepted her as an intern.
“Other organizations often charge a hefty fee for their services that some taxpayers may not be able to afford,” said Brooks. “Just by asking a few questions and punching some numbers into the tax software, I can put people at ease, and in most cases, get them some money back. I like being able to help people and put a smile on their faces. I really enjoy being able to assist people financially, especially in today's economy.”
Brook recalled her most favorable moment, when she sat to help a very nervous client who was anxious after the client’s sister had prepared her taxes. The sister had concluded that the client owed the IRS more than $1,500. “While I was plugging in numbers and asking her questions, she kept telling me how upset she was, and that she didn't have that kind of money. Lo and behold, when I finished preparing her taxes, she actually was receiving a rather large refund just under $500! After Barbara Ohlheiser, the site coordinator, reviewed the return and confirmed her refund, the client was so ecstatic that she told us that she would never have her sister prepare her taxes again! I was so happy that I was able to help her and ease some of her worry.”
Ohlheiser is very pleased to have Brook on her team. “Nicole is very competent, dedicated to her work and pleasure to work with. Her strong communication and computer skills help put her clients at ease. Nicole helps make running the site smooth and efficient for me and the other site coordinators, by greeting clients, working through a tax return at a good pace and doing peer-to-peer reviews of her fellow tax preparer's returns. She is a real asset to VITA.”
Brooks says her time and experience as a volunteer at VITA allows her to not only give back to the community helping those in need of tax assistance, but helps her academically as well. She said it makes her resume more vibrant and also helps her learning and overall education at Eastern.

Brooks specifically cited Dr. Candice Deal assistant professor of accounting who teaches her Intermediate Accounting III class, and Dr. Richard Silkoff, who teaches her Federal Individual Taxation and is her advisor.
“Dr. Deal is very inspiring because of all that she's accomplished at such a young age. I look up to her as a mentor and hope to be as successful as her one day. I enjoy Dr. Silkoff’s class because he is very passionate about and interested in what he's teaching. He also is a CPA. I look to him for advice because I hope to obtain my CPA license in the near future.”
Brooks has been helping others and giving back for a long time. As a freshman at Eastern, in fall of 2011, she served as a member of the Food Justice Committee, a club on campus dedicated to resolving issues with hunger and poverty within the Willimantic community. She participated in several volunteer activities, such as bringing food to various shelters and helped to build a greenhouse at one of the Windham elementary schools so that the students could learn about eating healthy and could grow their own fruits and vegetables. She also participated in the Walk for Warmth on campus and donated canned goods for the cause.
Brooks credits her upbringing with teaching her the value of helping others by volunteering. “My parents have always emphasized the importance of helping others. They would encourage my sisters and me to donate our old books, toys, clothes, and other items to those in need. I am very grateful to my parents for instilling such good morals in me. When I was younger, I participated in a lot of community service through Girl Scouts by volunteering at the local food pantry and homeless shelter. That continued while I was growing up with my involvement in the church.”
“I am determined to do my absolute best at anything that I am faced with, whether it is school or work. I am extremely proud of all of my achievements and will continue to strive for success in my future.” With students like Nicole Brooks, the future for the United Way and the VITA program is bright indeed.
Story by Dwight R. Bachman
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Project K.B.A.
Check out the fun and exciting new things that Project K.B.A has been up to!
What is Project K.B.A?
Project K.B.A. ( Kids, Books, Athletics) is a program that focuses on literacy and fitness for children in the Windham area. This program, which originated at Connecticut College, gives volunteers the opportunity to work with elementary students through interactive reading sessions, and physical activities. The goal of this program is to help improve the literacy rates of children at a younger age, and to show how important and fun physical activity can be.
This past week at Project K.B.A. North Windham Elementary, the kids engaged in a Presidents Day project which involved arranging paper leaves and apples containing the names of United States presidents on a tree, in chronological order. The activity helped students learn more about our presidents and the history of the United States.
After students completed their Presidents Day tree, the remaining 30 minutes was spent in the gymnasium playing games with the volunteers. Kickball was the game of choice this week, and the students and volunteers had a blast! Some students, however, chose to spend their "gym time" doing other activities such as, jump roping, hula-hooping, climbing the rock wall, and cheering for the kickball teams. In every situation the students were getting physical activity and enjoying every second of it!
This program is a fun and rewarding way to get involved in the Eastern Community and work with young kids who are eager to learn and have fun. This semester, Project K.B.A. takes place on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 pm at North Windham Elementary. Stop by the CCE or contact Student Leader, Camaren Lesco to sign up for this wonderful volunteer opportunity!
CCE Main Office: (860) 465-0090
Camaren Lesco: (860) 230-5183
What is Project K.B.A?
This past week at Project K.B.A. North Windham Elementary, the kids engaged in a Presidents Day project which involved arranging paper leaves and apples containing the names of United States presidents on a tree, in chronological order. The activity helped students learn more about our presidents and the history of the United States.
After students completed their Presidents Day tree, the remaining 30 minutes was spent in the gymnasium playing games with the volunteers. Kickball was the game of choice this week, and the students and volunteers had a blast! Some students, however, chose to spend their "gym time" doing other activities such as, jump roping, hula-hooping, climbing the rock wall, and cheering for the kickball teams. In every situation the students were getting physical activity and enjoying every second of it!
This program is a fun and rewarding way to get involved in the Eastern Community and work with young kids who are eager to learn and have fun. This semester, Project K.B.A. takes place on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 pm at North Windham Elementary. Stop by the CCE or contact Student Leader, Camaren Lesco to sign up for this wonderful volunteer opportunity!
CCE Main Office: (860) 465-0090
Camaren Lesco: (860) 230-5183
Monday, January 27, 2014
National Holocaust Remembrance Day
The United Nations has designated today, January 27, as the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. Today we remember the deaths of nearly six million innocent European Jews, targeted by the Nazi German Party in order achieve the political goals of the communist dictator Adolf Hitler.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, defines genocide as “a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group.” This museum stands as a statement urging citizens and leaders around the world to promote peace, prevent genocide, and rid the world of such hatred. The museum’s website offers many opportunities to learn and remember the people affected by the heart-wrenching events of the Holocaust. Remember, knowledge is the first step towards making a difference and ending the existence of genocide in the world.
The following links provide incredible opportunities to learn about the events and commemorate the survivors and victims of the Holocaust.
The Path to Nazi Genocide is a 38-minute video, produced by the Holocaust Museum, that recaps the historical events leading up to, and following, the Holocaust. The film delves into the ideology behind the actions of the Nazis, and aims to provoke thought and discussion regarding the roles of individuals and groups affecting, and affected by, the Holocaust.
Remember Survivors and Victims: This page provides links to testimonies, podcasts, and resources for information on the survivors and victims of the Holocaust events. These sources allow you to connect to the victims and their families on a more personal level, and help to really understand the horrendous conditions that millions of people suffered in from 1933-1945.
Visit http://www.ushmm.org/support to help support the museum in their efforts to keep the Holocaust memory alive and cary out initiatives to learn about and prevent genocide.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, defines genocide as “a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group.” This museum stands as a statement urging citizens and leaders around the world to promote peace, prevent genocide, and rid the world of such hatred. The museum’s website offers many opportunities to learn and remember the people affected by the heart-wrenching events of the Holocaust. Remember, knowledge is the first step towards making a difference and ending the existence of genocide in the world.
The following links provide incredible opportunities to learn about the events and commemorate the survivors and victims of the Holocaust.
The Path to Nazi Genocide is a 38-minute video, produced by the Holocaust Museum, that recaps the historical events leading up to, and following, the Holocaust. The film delves into the ideology behind the actions of the Nazis, and aims to provoke thought and discussion regarding the roles of individuals and groups affecting, and affected by, the Holocaust.
Remember Survivors and Victims: This page provides links to testimonies, podcasts, and resources for information on the survivors and victims of the Holocaust events. These sources allow you to connect to the victims and their families on a more personal level, and help to really understand the horrendous conditions that millions of people suffered in from 1933-1945.
Visit http://www.ushmm.org/support to help support the museum in their efforts to keep the Holocaust memory alive and cary out initiatives to learn about and prevent genocide.
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