Today is Tuesday, December 3, 2013. You may have noticed the #GivingTuesday showing up a few times as you scroll through your Facebook newsfeed or tweets on Twitter.
I know that I have never heard of this phenomenon until checking my Facebook this morning and seeing it everywhere. So what is #GivingTuesday?
According to, this is the second annual #GivingTuesday event. It is a "movement to creat a national day of giving to kick of the giving season." The reason that it is called "Giving Tuesday" is because it was intended to be on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
The mission of the #GivingTuesday campaign is to "create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season. It celebrates and encourages charitable activites that support non-profit organizations."
The website also lists some ideas for students of things they can do on #GivingTuesday, here are some of the ideas:
- Use social media to highlight a cause that interests you and encourage other students to take action to support something that they care about
- Organize a clothing or book drive or anothe on-campus giving activity on your campus
- engage profressors and start a discussion about philanthropy and volunteerism, and what students would like to see more of campus related to giving.
This is definitely one trend worth checking out!